The Kell High School Percussion Ensemble is a thriving musical group. With a primary focus on advanced percussion education through performance, the entirely extracurricular ensemble has over 20 members and rehearses three times weekly when in season. Kell Percussion has performed at events and festivals all around the country, including the 2003 Gatlinburg Music Festival, the 2005 Percussive Arts Society Georgia Day of Percussion, the 2006 and 2011 Bands of America National Concert Band and Percussion Festival, the 2008 Jacksonville State University Day of Percussion, the 2015 Percussive Arts Society Marching Percussion Festival, the 2016 Emory Percussion Symposium, as well as many other local concerts and festivals.
Kell Percussion has had the great fortune to work with some of the finest percussionists and percussion educators in existence, including John Parks, Thomas Burritt, Ted Atkatz, Jonathan Ovalle, John Lawless, and many more. Students from the group are regular members of the District 12 Honor Band, the Georgia All State Band, The Honor Band of America, The Honor Orchestra of America, The Atlanta Symphony Youth Orchestra, The Atlanta Youth Wind Symphony, and the Georgia Governor’s Honors Program. Each year at the end of their “Night of Percussion,” Kell Percussion turns into the nationally renowned “Trash Talk” ensemble, performing its own version of exciting found-sound music in the style of the famous STOMP ensemble. With a tradition of entertaining, energetic, and highly musical performance, Kell Percussion constantly seeks to push the boundaries of high school percussion in new and unique ways.